Friday, November 21, 2014

There Goes the Weekend

Yesterday Mom woke up to find that
I had put Mimzy in my food bowl.
Well, I just couldn't get her to watch me eat
while she was sleeping.

When I got up, I went straight to my 
Alternate Box of Rebellion.
So, Mom went on the usual rounds without me.
I guess she visited the Nice Ladies, because
she didn't come home for awhile.

When she did come home it was still
above freezing temperatures outside!
I'm talking 39°F/ 4°C!

So she sat out on the patio with me.
First I checked the east side of the patio...

...then I checked the west side.

I even got brave enought to cross the snow.

The tasty plant, however, looked less than appetizing.

Still, I had to check.

Afterwards I returned to the warmth of the house.

I made sure to keep my feet on the rug
so they would warm up and dry off.

Of course, since I had gotten a taste of the
outdoors, I persisted on begging for more.

Eventually Mom relented and took me for a recon.

Well, I say 'recon', but I wasn't willing to go very far.
After all, the ground was wet, the air was wet,
and everything was cold.

I asked Mom if we could go into the clubhouse,

but when she went to get the key I 
realized I was done being outside.

At some point Mom sat in the chair,
but she failed to make her lap available to me.

So I made the best of it by sitting on a 
stool right next to her.

There was also another problem
This one much more disconcerting.

Mom was packing.
Out came the backpack.
Out came the sleeping bag.

Mom says she'll be gone until Sunday night.
I guess it's that time of year when she leaves 
Daddy and I to go off to the coast with the Teenagers.

Let's just say that I am NOT looking forward 
to this weekend.

Of course you realize this means the blog will
be gone for awhile too.

I guess we'll all have to try to cope.

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